To: Dutchess County Conservative Party Chairman Patricia Killian

               This is a request for an interview from the Conservative Party.

 As I have previously requested from Dutchess County Chairman Patricia Killian, I would like to answer any questions the Committee has in reference to my Conservative Voting Record. I see a Majority of my voting to fall within the guidelines of our Conservative Parties Platform and have done so for the past 3 ½ years.

                          Office Sought: Dutchess County Legislator District 1

Name: Mr. James R. Doxsey

Age: 56

Party: Conservative Party Since 1985

Ballot Line seeking: Conservative

Owner /Operator of Doxsey Auto Inc. Since 1971

Occupation: Automotive Technician Specialist

Education: Graduate Arlington High, 2Years Technical School, 6 Months GM technical Training/ Tarrytown, N.Y.

Experience: 40 years in Independant Businessman Ownership: Certified in Automotive Engines, Transmissions, Transaxles, Differentials, Vice President Sports Museum of Dutchess County, Board member Anderson School of Autism Fundraising Committee, Co – Chairman Dreams of Gold Foundation. United States Figure Skating Trial Judge, 2 Years Vice Chairman Public Safety Committee, 2 Years Public Safety Committee, 4 Years Public Works and Capitol Projects Committee, 4 Years Wireless Committee, Member of the Voter Integrity Task Force, 2 Years of the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Intergovernmental Affairs and General Government Relations Committee Member, 2 Years (NYSAC) Public Safety Committee Member. 

                     Some of the biggest challenges my Town and County face: 

  Heavily burdened Fire Taxes, Overpopulation at local jail and Loss of property on the tax rolls. Affordable Senior Housing and prescription costs for seniors. Heavily congested highways and intersections during business hours.  

                        How I will and am addressing those challenges:  

  Bear pressure to town Board members to FIX the un-fair tax inequities of Dist. 1 fire tax which Encompasses both Arlington and Fairview Fire Districts, Bring to State Legislation answers to fore-mentioned problem, as I have been doing in Albany for a multitude of years now. Put into action answers toward ways of paying for the modification of the jail with-out additional cost to the County Taxpayers. Put into place corrective measures to not continue to lose properties to not for profit agencies for our properties in District 1. Produce Real answers to Senior housing problems and cost of living in Dutchess County for the elderly. Maintain an open relationship with State and County Officals to address the roads and highway congestion.

                               Why do I want to be Re- elected?

  56 years in Dutchess County, I have seen assets and many failures.

Time is now to continue to bring to the people of the County, Real answers to the Public and solutions as they truly deserve. Real Legislation so our Seniors and our Children can remain safe and continue to live here!

 Please respond via mail, phone or e-mail at:  JRCDOXSEY@AOL.COM

                                                          Respectfully Submitted,

                                                           Mr. James R. Doxsey

                                                           Dutchess County Legislator District 1

                                                           55 Buckingham Avenue

                                                           Poughkeepsie, New York 12601

                                  Cell (845) 337-0026 Home (845) 454-5225 Work (845) 229-1816


1 Response » to “Meeting Request to the Dutchess County Conservative Party Committee”

  1. Ginny B. says:

    Go Jim, I hope Ms. Killian doesn’t lose this opportunity to support a fine incumbent candidate, always working for his constituents.

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