Doxsey in Albany, Again

We Lobbied May 17, 2011 for adequate Public Safety Protection in the District 1 area.  Only a small few were receptive, most were worried to respond to this difficult topic.

 I want to thank some for the appreciation that was expressed to me :

  Our resident Virginia Buechele Writes: ” Thanks for representing the taxpayers today in Albany Jim – with you there we knew we need not be – you represent us – we were in good hands. – I think that is what representive government is supposed to be about “!

  ” Thanks ” says it all, keeps me going and allows me to push even harder to help the residents as they most surely deserve representation.


1 Response » to “Doxsey in Albany, Again”

  1. Ginny B. says:

    It is good to know that you care Jim – not like our current 102nd Assemblyman who utilizes demeaning monikers to label us.

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