Seems to me the Voters Spoke VERY Clearly in 2010 – No More Growing Local Government!!!

This is precisely why I VOTED ” NO ” to GROWING THIS COMMISSIONER OF SOLID WASTE POSITION ( Now 3 Total ) and over-see the RESOURCE COVERY AGENCY. Appears to me Costs are going to be placed on EVERY Resident. It doesn’t address the ones whom don’t pay taxes: Hospitals, Schools or Colleges. They will be VERY LARGE Generators of garbage, what about those? Who will pay for their garbage pick-up. Correct, You and Me. 

Dutchess County Executive Steinhaus Writes :  ” It will be intriguing to watch if the 2011 County Legislature ( the now Republican majority and many new first term legislators were sent to govern the county based on a promise of smaller government) now reverses itself and adopts an intrusive, big government program that over-regulates, and gobbles up the private sector at the same time “.

 Doxsey Writes: Wonders Never Cease to Amaze Me, Voters were led to the water after PROMISES of Smaller Government. Sadly this is not the case with the Current Super Majority of Republican Legislators. Every One of them Voted in Favor of ENLARGING Local Government. Say one thing and do something else- Sad Indeed.


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