This is the Executives way of : ” If there is any way this office can help in any way or falls within my jurisdiction, I will take the matter into consideration just as I have always in the past “. Taking matters of Public Safety in consideration? This statement is consistent from his 16 years of a lack of intent to actually do something when in fact he can help the Fairview Fire Department.
Well Mr. Steinhaus, this surely was/is within your power to Veto the Resolution until DCC and Fairview gets the Life Safety Issues under control. Sadly you signed it, so now it becomes Law
By signing this Resolution instead of Vetoing it, William Steinhaus has just said he approves of the DCC Dorms and he, the County Executive will not help those in Fairview and are left out to pasture- again.
I at least expected the executive to keep the county out of the Life Safety Issues aspect, apparently I was very wrong.
After the Pendell Commons added burdens and the Executive had a chance to weigh in on the Commissioner of DC Dept. of Planning and Development report, the County channeled funding from the HUD subsidization. Sadly the Executive remained absent from comments, again.
The County ” Is ” a BIG player in the Life Safety Issues and who will hold the County Liable?
I will continue to bring the failures of the Legislature to light as many times as is necessary, as well as to the Medias and Presses at every chance I can get.
The Town of Poughkeepsie Council Members, T/P Planning Board appointees all have to face the Public. Sadly the public views these members as positives and continues to put them back into the decision making process.
Thanks for all your hard work, we must stay on track, Jim