Pendall Commons Media Press Release

Recently T/Poughkeepsie Planning Board Officials and Dutchess Co. Dept. of Planning and Development approved this project. Life Safety Issues still remain as to the Life Safety abilities from the already over burdened and understaffed Fairview Fire District.

HUD Officials are depending on these 2 agencies to determine a release of funds ( 7-10 Million ), with those Board approvals of this Project.

Having such Power over this District without repairing the Districts Life Safety Issues behooves me to no end. Fairview taxpayers are supposed to just roll over and take more of what has become the Norm from these agencies who use the words “Minimal Impact or Modest Impact”, tell me the difference. Any more negative Impact to these people is unjustifiable any way you look at it.

Having spent the last 3 years attempting to bring this Issue to the front and getting corrective measures to help those Life Safety matters has left the District as it has been for 20 plus years, on their own, unsupported from the ones who can remediate those Life Safety Concerns.

With now having to add Legal Lawyers to the mix to help fight for these people, Dutchess County will be giving HUD the go ahead without taking a Real Look to the ramifications they are about to inflict here.

With a T/Board, a County and an area Assemblyman who represents this District does nothing to address these issues, it is no wonder Seniors are in jeopardy, Life Safety not addressed and Fire Taxes the Highest in NY State.

Apparently money can be the driving force, but at what trade off? For fiscal gains from Projects without taking a real look at the over all Cumulative affects helps nobody.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mr. James R. Doxsey

55 Buckingham Avenue

Poughkeepsie, New York 12601

c. 845-337-0026  anytime

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