Pendell Commoms Article from Mid Hudson News

Doxsey says Fairview District cannot accommodate any more development
POUGHKEEPSIE – Fairview Fire Department personnel are stretched to the limit now and any more large scale development could be the straw to break the camel’s back. That assessment comes from Dutchess County Legislator James Doxsey who has been fighting growth plans while the fire district staffing remains stagnant.

The latest plans, for the Pendell Commons project, would add 48 workforce family subsidized housing units and 24 senior citizen units in the district.

That, said Doxsey, would certainly overload the over-taxed fire department.

“The Town of Poughkeepsie is already currently bringing a lawsuit against the Dutchess Community College for building their dorms,” he said. “I don’t understand how the Town of Poughkeepsie Planning Board can continue to allow development to occur without addressing the life-safety factors first.”

Doxsey said Pendell Commons could add another 100 plus students to the school district, which would increase the cost of education by as much as $400,000. to Hyde Park and Town of Poughkeepsie residents.

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1 Response » to “Pendell Commoms Article from Mid Hudson News”

  1. James R says:

    I sent this to Mid Hudson News reporter Hank Gross last week, hoping to get it in long before Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development deadline of Tuesday 23rd at 5:00 pm.

    The County Planning Department will send its reccommendaion to HUD for a release of 7-10 Million dollars. Truely the County of Dutchess plays a VERY important role in Fairviews fate.

    Multiple questions poised to the Department of Planning and Development on Jan.31st have gone unanswered as of this date of Feb. 23rd. The Department sent HUD the ” Minimal ” and ” Modest : statements, something that is very detrimental to the District.

    I could not find any Documents at the County Department of Planning and Development records that has composed any such ” Study ” of the District in ANY capacity.

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