Pendall Commons Media Press Release

Recently T/Poughkeepsie Planning Board Officials and Dutchess Co. Dept. of Planning and Development approved this project. Life Safety Issues still remain as to the Life Safety abilities from the already over burdened and understaffed Fairview Fire District.

HUD Officials are depending on these 2 agencies to determine a release of funds ( 7-10 Million ), with those Board approvals of this Project.

Having such Power over this District without repairing the Districts Life Safety Issues behooves me to no end. Fairview taxpayers are supposed to just roll over and take more of what has become the Norm from these agencies who use the words “Minimal Impact or Modest Impact”, tell me the difference. Any more negative Impact to these people is unjustifiable any way you look at it.

Having spent the last 3 years attempting to bring this Issue to the front and getting corrective measures to help those Life Safety matters has left the District as it has been for 20 plus years, on their own, unsupported from the ones who can remediate those Life Safety Concerns.

With now having to add Legal Lawyers to the mix to help fight for these people, Dutchess County will be giving HUD the go ahead without taking a Real Look to the ramifications they are about to inflict here.

With a T/Board, a County and an area Assemblyman who represents this District does nothing to address these issues, it is no wonder Seniors are in jeopardy, Life Safety not addressed and Fire Taxes the Highest in NY State.

Apparently money can be the driving force, but at what trade off? For fiscal gains from Projects without taking a real look at the over all Cumulative affects helps nobody.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mr. James R. Doxsey

55 Buckingham Avenue

Poughkeepsie, New York 12601

c. 845-337-0026  anytime

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Fairview Veterans Service Memorial

.It is my hope the community will once again come together with contributions to the fund established for restoring the Fairview Veterans Service Memorial in order that it may be restored to its former dignity and remain in perpetuity a constant reminder of those who fought for the freedoms we continue to enjoy today.

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial – Honor Roll – August 6, 1944

Alfred W. Aldrich
Charles H. Allen
John F. Allers
Edward J. Allers
Eugene T. Amato
Vincent Amato
Alexander Anderson Jr.
Arthur H. Baker
Frank Baker
Alex. Bargeski
Charles W. Barton
Charleton W. Bauer Jr.
Gordon Beatty
Francis X. Beck
Charles H. Bedell Jr.
Joseph E. Bell Jr.
Vincent Brady
Shirley M. Brenner
L. Bruce Brower
Robert Brower
Marie Bahret Brown
David Brown
Durwood Brundage
Egbert C. Buckhout
Frank Burgess
Malachy F. Byrne Jr.
Charles Carpenter
George Carpenter
Robert Case
Alfred N. Cecchini
Herbert K. Clark
Oliver P. Cole
Arthur Constable
Vincent Crane
Helen Crimmey
Arthur J. Crygier
Betty Curran
Francis Curran
Henry Curran
Elmer G. Curry
Charles W. Czaplinski
Helen Czaplinski
Stanley Czaplinski
Stephanie Czech
Vincent J. Daley
Vincent J. Darcy
Carmen J. Davilio
Daniel J. Davis
Stanley G. Decker
Charles S. Decker
Leonard F. DeLor
John L. DeVor
Arthur R. DeVor
Clyde E. Douglass
Edwin M. Dumville
Raymond Dumville
Walter Dumville
Charles B. Ebeling
Jason C. Eckert
Byron Eldrid
Richard H. Farrell
Robert J. Farrell
Otto V. Faust
Muriel A. Fichtel
Alice B. Fichtel
Willard V. Fichtel
Charles W. Fitch
Leston Fitch Dr.
Paul Fitch
Thomas D. Flanagan
Edward Flanagan
Theodore Fortino
Robert Foster
Ralph Freer
Carl G. Fritz
John E. Garrity
Kurt J. Gerson
William H. Ghee
Joseph W. Goth
James B. Grant dis
Charles Grant
Thomas E. Gunn
Walter A. Hahn
Meredith G. Halstead
Joseph C. Hart Dr.
Walter J. Henion
Erick Henkel
George A. Hessinger
Robert J. Horlacher
Donald Houghtaling
Edmond Houghtaling
John J. Howe
Theodore Howe
William Hritz
Raymond P. Hutton
Robert A. Jackson
Statia Kaminski
William Kaminski
Francis H. Keenen
Howard C. Knauss
Donald E. Knauss
Lester A. Kohls
Victor E. Koziol
Lloyd G. Lane
Lyman C. LeBourveau
Clarence LeClaire
Richard M. LeFevre
William R. Lemke
Alecksel A. Leonidoff Dr.
Wilfred Losee
Alice R. Lynch
George O. Macy
Thomas D. Mahar
Leo Mahar
Joseph V. Manning
Etienne Marin
Ernest V. Marion
Francis J. Marr
Albert Martin
Arthur H. Marx
Leonard McGlynn
Charles Meyers
John J. Michon
Arthur C. Miller
Paul A. Milroy
Italo Miscedra
Robert Monroe
Vincent A. Morano
Ralph Morris
Harold V. Nelson
Bernard F. Niet
John H. Nilsson
Howard North
Jacob C. Ostrander
Roger Owen
Earl D. Parton
Edward Petty
Wayne Pierce
Wallace A. Pink
Walter O. Pink
Henry Portman
Kenneth D. Quick
Arthur H. Radcliffe
James Randall
Charles L. Reiker
John B. Reuter
George S. Rexhouse
Antoinette Rinaldi
Dominic Rinaldi
Louis Rinaldi
Mary Rinaldi
Henry Rose
Franklyn E. Rozell
Richard C. Ryan
Edward R. Ryan
Edward F. Schmidt
Otto R. Schmidt
Arthur C. Schofield
Howard G. Schouten
Frederick W. Schroeder
John G. Scott
Willis H. Scott
Virginia Sherlock
Leon Singleton
Frank Slavic
Raymond A. Smith
Clifford Snell Jr.
William P. Sonberg
Jack E. Spencer
Samuel Stein
Edward S. Stone
John H. Stratton
James V. Sucato
Thomas A. Sullivan
Frederick Sweikart
Richard B. Swenson
Arthur H. Swenson Jr.
Franklin R. Swenson
Joseph Synnett
Joseph Tarkos
James M. Terwilliger
Ralph R. Terwilliger
Irving D. Thompson
Arthur Thompson Jr.
Frank Valentino
Louis Valentino
John W. VanAcooy
Henry VanAcooy
Donald VanWagner
William R. Vess
Milton Vess
Peter Walker
Harry L. Warwick Jr.
Harry Weil
George E. Welch
Robert E. Welch
John M. Welch
Burton J. Whitaker
Robert D. Whiten
Richard L. Whiten
Stephen Wicks

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial 2007 - Awaiting Restoration

[Designer Mr. Gus A. Zeender – Built by Mr. Gennaro Velletri]

A Fund has been established by the Town of Poughkeepsie – March 2009 – Checks Marked “Fairview Veterans Memorial Restoration Fund” may be sent to the Town of Poughkeepsie, Town Hall, 1 Overocker Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

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DCC Scoping Presentation To Be First Public Session

DCC Scoping Session


NOTE: Part 13 was omitted due to an issue with the recorder.
To view beginning, see script, below.



1. Good Neighbors ; People who look out for each other.

a. Friends who would practically do anything to assist their neighbor/friend, even come together and give fiscal assistance.

b. Band together to bear positive and or negative input on all issues pertaining to them.

c. Have insight on surroundings and call for action to keep Everyone From Harms Way.

d. Fight to the fullest from others who endanger them, keeping focus on the SCOPE of the issues

e. Allow for a complete PICTURE before actions are taken into considerations.


a. Police, Fire, Ambulance, E-911, Hospitals.


c. How many times since 2/08 when the D.C. legislation passed the Resolution , Has DCC sat with All Officials in one room and Discussed the Cumulitive Impacts?


4. a. You DO NOT have the BLESSING as stated multiple times- From the D.C. Legislators / After all : Does a 13/ 12 vote really mean a BLESSING ?

b. When given statistics to NYS DEC Commissioner Peter Grannis stating you have reached an AGREEMENT with local Emergency Services:

4.a.1. This was as stated from DCC null and voided if the dorms were not built by Fall of 2009, was it not stated this way ?

a.2. By telling telling the NYS DEC Comm. “That an Agreement was in place “, was this not a false statement mis-leading the Commissioner in a direction of Favoritism toward the Project ?

a.3. Again by mis-leading the Commissioner and using ASSY., Joel Miller and HIS BLESSING AND HIS influence was one of the most pronounced and DIS-reguarding LACK OF RESPECT showingTOTAL DIS-Respect for the COMMUNITY , ONE THAT YOU ARE SUCH GOOD NEIGHBORS WITH !!!


a. After all why now would you want the Community to Come Together and Give ALL their POSITIVE Imput for this project .

b. One that only a Handful of DCC staff, Students, Faculty and Teachers want.

c. Why would DCC want a Scoping Session for the Public already knowing HOW THEY FEEL?

d. This is a publicity stunt, Some Publicity for the College so it can say “ WE SPOKE TO THE PUBLIC AND GAVE THEM A CHANCE TO BE HEARD, AND ADDRESS THEIR CONCERNS”, This is by far One of the most blatent and uncaring actions the College could have ever produced.


a. By literally giving half Truths and other Mis-Leading statements : both verbal and written to the ones who have the GO AHEAD with this project and not ; “ FIXING the CUMULATIVE NEGATIVE IMPACTS FIRST “, shows the Community you are so caring for “ WE DON”T CARE WHAT YOU SAY, DO OR OTHERWISE BRING ACTIONS AGAINST US, WE ARE DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO AT ANY COSTS TO THE COMMUNITY !!!

b. By the way , I left out the ROADS in my statements, WE all know what the truth is about “ The Roads are adequate and Traffic Will BE Lowered because there WILL BE LESS Traffic “.



On Sep-29-2009 10:35 PM Mr. James R. Doxsey:

The Community did not come out for this. I sure can’t blame them one bit ! When will the DCC address the residents concerns- NEVER !! This will be played out to the end. The Financial Players and Back Door Politics will Prevail, THE COMMUNITY WILL CHANGE DRASTICALLY- WE WILL BEAR THE BURDENS UN-ACCEPTABLE, AGAIN !!! My personal opinion.

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Officials want town, not college, to oversee review

Michael Valkys • Poughkeepsie Journal • September 25, 2009

With a public input session set for Tuesday, the Town of Poughkeepsie will go to court to try to overturn a state decision allowing Dutchess Community College to oversee the environmental review for its proposed 465-bed, on-campus dormitory.

The town board this week hired local attorney Richard Cantor to initiate what is known as an Article 78 proceeding. The court action will seek to reverse last month’s decision by state Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Pete Grannis, who ruled DCC officials should oversee the review.

Article 78 actions allow plaintiffs to challenge decisions by governing bodies or agencies.

Town Supervisor Patricia Myers said the Poughkeepsie planning board is better suited to handle the environmental review for the estimated $30 million project.

“The planning board has more expertise and a better handle on this and can better evaluate the needs of the community,” Myers said.

College officials have argued DCC’s board of trustees is qualified to oversee the review.

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This is the Document containing information from the College request to the Public, asking for comments on their Phase 1 Project // See Proposal Below

NOTE: This file is over 5MB is size and will take a few moments to load.

Most Residents know where I am on this Proposal. For the ones who do not, let me begin by saying an awful lot of mis-information was given to the NYS-DEC Commissioner Peter Grannis steering the Commissioner into a mis-guided and mis-informed direction, in my opinion. This proposed Phase 1 Project will have severe ramifications to All Residents- which include Students, let alone Fire / Ambulance / Police Agencies.
The public must attend and bring to the forefront the issues so the College can take into ” CONSIDERATION ” there concerns. Sounds alot like our County Executive Speaking doesn’t it? I am glad the College will CONSIDER the input from the Residents, where they will put them can only lead the imagination. Does the word ” CIRCULAR FILE ” mean anything? Does to me…
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Authorize – Richard Cantor, Esq. To Appeal the Decision in Regard to Lead Agency Dispute Between Dutchess Community College and the Town. Sept. 2nd at the Town Board meeting.


On Aug-31-2009 11:10 PM Mr. James R. Doxsey:
I am ESTATIC to see the Town being Pro-Active in DCC Lead Agency request to NYS DEC Commissioner Peter Grannis and his decision to allow DCC to be their own Lead Agent…

On Sep-01-2009 09:01 AM V Buechele:
I’m ecstatic too. Thank Goodness for this little piece of good new from the T/Pok Agenda – otherwise we might all be jumping off the Mid Hudson Bridge (or soon Walkway over the Hudson) after reading this Mornings Poughkeepsie Journal with regard to IBM’s reductions in Assessments – Big Blue is forcing all of us to an early death – death by taxes that is – with their high powered lawyers. All taxpayers should have their assessments lowered by the same amount – after all if the Town can’t get IBM’s assessment right then ours must be just a wrong – Equalize the little guys with IBM.

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SEPT. 1, 2009 FFD Meeting

Fairview Fire District
Regular Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 – 7PM
At the FireHouse – 258 Violet Avenue

Be There – See what goes on – Stay Informed on:

Status of the Non-Profit Ambulance
Status of the Request for Proposal for District Audits
Status of Law Suit(s)
Committee Reports
Chief’s Report

Your Fire District – Your Tax Dollars – Your Professionals protecting you 24/7/365
Come – Learn – Stay Informed

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More on Pendell Commons

An application to construct a 73-unit affordable housing complex near Dutchess Community College, which has prompted concerns from neighbors, will return to Town of Poughkeepsie planners in October.

The planning board Thursday night at a packed town hall adjourned a public hearing on the plan to the fall. Officials said about two dozen residents voiced concerns on issues including traffic, storm runoff and the project’s potential impact on the Fairview Fire District.

Town Director of Municipal Development Neil Wilson said the board kept the public hearing on the plan open. It is tentatively set to resume Oct. 15.

Board Chairman John Weisman said a final vote on whether the plan should be approved could come before the end of the year.

Mahopac-based Kearney Realty & Development has applied to build Pendell Commons on 15 acres of undeveloped land off Route 9G just north of Pendell Road. Plans for the estimated $10 million project call for 24 units of senior housing in one building and 48 workforce units in three other buildings. One unit would house the complex’s superintendent.

Some have complained the proposed multifamily complex would not fit in the area of mostly single-family homes. Project supporters have said it would provide affordable housing for local residents and increase town tax coffers.

Pendell Commons would be located near where DCC hopes to build a 465-bed, on-campus student dormitory. That project could also increase calls for emergency services to the Fairview Fire Department, which department officials said is already understaffed.

Principal Ken Kearney has said his company would make a $50,000 contribution to the fire district to help defray costs.

Town officials said the review of the Pendell Commons traffic plan would take into account that the dorm could be located nearby.

“It would be irresponsible not to,” Wilson said.

Pendell Commons would have 125 parking spaces. Four of the site’s 15 acres would be developed, with the rest remaining open land.

Officials estimate it would take 15 months to build Pendell Commons once site plan approval is granted

On Aug-23-2009 06:16 PM:
Where to start : The Board WILL or COULD make this FINAL DECISION BEFORE ANY ” FACTS ” are brought forward: SAFETY, FIRE, ROADS IMPACT, AREA SCHOOLS, ETC….. Mr. Wilson says this would be irresponsible to do, yet THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING, without a true study. $ 50,000.00 will do NOTHING to fix, keep people SAFE, keeping ALL Residents and Emergency Personnell in mind. Defray costs- What about the COSTS of LIVES in jeophardy due to staff levels of the FFD ???

On Aug-30-2009 06:07 PM:
Please address these concerns at the Sept. 1, 2009 meeting at the Firehouse. More updates required at this much needed meeting

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County Executive Blames Everyone but HIMSELF

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Status on Assembly Bill A772-2009

Updated On: Aug 02, 2009 (13:55:00)

August 2, 2009- In May of 2009, Local 2623 members, along with Fire Commissioners from the Fairview Fire District went to Albany to speak with our lawmakers about legislation that could potentially help our tax situation in Fairview.

Assembly Bill A772 can be seen here-

As you can see, the bill has been referred to the Ways and Means committee in February. Since then, we have had no updates to give on why the legislation has gone nowhere. So we ask our esteemed Assemblyman Joel Miller, what have you been doing to assure that A772-2009  gets passed through to provide real help to your constituents?

Assemblyman Miller, our members are still waiting for you to visit us at the firehouse to talk about building construction…….

Contact Assemblyman Miller to ask him what he has been doing to further Assembly Bill A772-2009.  His Contact information is listed below:

Joel M. Miller
3 Neptune Rd.
Suite A19E
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: (845) 463-1635
Fax: (845) 463-1638


On Sep-22-2009 02:15 PM Mr. James R. Doxsey:

Assemblyman Miller, Waiting for months now for your reply to our last request about statements: The Study done in the year 2000 showing where issues can be resolved and fixed in Fairview. Still waiting for some reply other than the last 4 of NO REPLY YET according to your secretary. The only study we know of was not a study but a report called : THE CHANGING TIMES REPORT ” , Done in 2005.

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