Pendell Commons – Planners extend project hearing
Neil Wilson is irresponsible ?
Poughkeepsie Journal – August 22, 2009
Town officials said the review of the Pendell Commons traffic plan would take into account that the dorm could be located nearby.”It would be irresponsible not to,” Wilson said.
[What about Public Safety Mr. Wilson – ignore it and you are irresponsible.]
Pendell Commons would be located near where DCC hopes to build a 465-bed, on-campus student dormitory. That project could also increase calls for emergency services to the Fairview Fire Department, which department officials said is already understaffed.
This project & the DCC Dorms should be denied based on Public Safety alone until the problem that everyone knows exists but chooses to ignore is resolved.
DCC, Dyson/Kearney and the Town of Poughkeepsie are just begging for another lawsuit – if they don’t PUT SAFETY FIRST.
Dig deep People in Fairview for a legal fund – our very lives depend on this one.
God Help Us-Give Seniors & struggling Fairview residents strength to continue to voice our valid major concerns about this project-Often we feel we might as well stick our heads between our legs & kiss our rears good-bye because this one is going to be just like Conklin DCC Dorms-They’re going to get what they want because they pull the right strings. With one of richest men in DC behind this one & the T/Pok Planning Board not doing it’s job ever for us-what else can we expect now.
Our 4th Wd Councilman says they didn’t change the zoning on these parcels during the recent master plan & zoning process because it has so many wetlands on it that they thought no one would ever build on it-What a Joke-How do these people sleep!
YouTube Videos of Public Comments at the Thurs. Aug. 20 Hearing Link. Copy & paste to the location area of your browser.
Kearney & Dyson don’t care about Sr’s & Work’g families or PUBLIC SAFETY or they wouldn’t even try to build this in Fairview.
This has been brewing in Fairview for a long time and now the Pot is boiling over.