Tuesday evening, the Dutchess County Legislature voted to put off allowing the people to weigh in on the 2012 Budget until after Elections? This Budget comes out every Halloween Eve, guess it’s Trick or Treat time. After all, where is the Transparency and how can they be judged after pulling a scheme like this?
Well, they can’t be judged, not this term coming up. Waiting until after the 2012 Budget is presented, then not allowing YOU- the Voters to weigh in on it, is plain wrong and dishonest at the minimum. They even CHANGED the date of the regular meeting for a week later just to NOT allow the Public to speak on it.
The response was they needed time to take it all in? Really, 9 days until you can respond to something that will have a Negative Impact on everyone who lives, works or worships in Dutchess County?
Better look to see who voted in favor of this one, you can be sure it wasn’t me!