Steinhaus Fumbles, again

The Democratic Legislative Branch of Government is remaining fiscally responsible. The Executive has known this for over 6 months- yet attempts to turn it to Political Issue just before Election time.  He continues to hire under the “FREEZE”,  then expects the Legislators to bail him out.

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Fairview Veterans Service Memorial

.It is my hope the community will once again come together with contributions to the fund established for restoring the Fairview Veterans Service Memorial in order that it may be restored to its former dignity and remain in perpetuity a constant reminder of those who fought for the freedoms we continue to enjoy today.

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial – Honor Roll – August 6, 1944

Alfred W. Aldrich
Charles H. Allen
John F. Allers
Edward J. Allers
Eugene T. Amato
Vincent Amato
Alexander Anderson Jr.
Arthur H. Baker
Frank Baker
Alex. Bargeski
Charles W. Barton
Charleton W. Bauer Jr.
Gordon Beatty
Francis X. Beck
Charles H. Bedell Jr.
Joseph E. Bell Jr.
Vincent Brady
Shirley M. Brenner
L. Bruce Brower
Robert Brower
Marie Bahret Brown
David Brown
Durwood Brundage
Egbert C. Buckhout
Frank Burgess
Malachy F. Byrne Jr.
Charles Carpenter
George Carpenter
Robert Case
Alfred N. Cecchini
Herbert K. Clark
Oliver P. Cole
Arthur Constable
Vincent Crane
Helen Crimmey
Arthur J. Crygier
Betty Curran
Francis Curran
Henry Curran
Elmer G. Curry
Charles W. Czaplinski
Helen Czaplinski
Stanley Czaplinski
Stephanie Czech
Vincent J. Daley
Vincent J. Darcy
Carmen J. Davilio
Daniel J. Davis
Stanley G. Decker
Charles S. Decker
Leonard F. DeLor
John L. DeVor
Arthur R. DeVor
Clyde E. Douglass
Edwin M. Dumville
Raymond Dumville
Walter Dumville
Charles B. Ebeling
Jason C. Eckert
Byron Eldrid
Richard H. Farrell
Robert J. Farrell
Otto V. Faust
Muriel A. Fichtel
Alice B. Fichtel
Willard V. Fichtel
Charles W. Fitch
Leston Fitch Dr.
Paul Fitch
Thomas D. Flanagan
Edward Flanagan
Theodore Fortino
Robert Foster
Ralph Freer
Carl G. Fritz
John E. Garrity
Kurt J. Gerson
William H. Ghee
Joseph W. Goth
James B. Grant dis
Charles Grant
Thomas E. Gunn
Walter A. Hahn
Meredith G. Halstead
Joseph C. Hart Dr.
Walter J. Henion
Erick Henkel
George A. Hessinger
Robert J. Horlacher
Donald Houghtaling
Edmond Houghtaling
John J. Howe
Theodore Howe
William Hritz
Raymond P. Hutton
Robert A. Jackson
Statia Kaminski
William Kaminski
Francis H. Keenen
Howard C. Knauss
Donald E. Knauss
Lester A. Kohls
Victor E. Koziol
Lloyd G. Lane
Lyman C. LeBourveau
Clarence LeClaire
Richard M. LeFevre
William R. Lemke
Alecksel A. Leonidoff Dr.
Wilfred Losee
Alice R. Lynch
George O. Macy
Thomas D. Mahar
Leo Mahar
Joseph V. Manning
Etienne Marin
Ernest V. Marion
Francis J. Marr
Albert Martin
Arthur H. Marx
Leonard McGlynn
Charles Meyers
John J. Michon
Arthur C. Miller
Paul A. Milroy
Italo Miscedra
Robert Monroe
Vincent A. Morano
Ralph Morris
Harold V. Nelson
Bernard F. Niet
John H. Nilsson
Howard North
Jacob C. Ostrander
Roger Owen
Earl D. Parton
Edward Petty
Wayne Pierce
Wallace A. Pink
Walter O. Pink
Henry Portman
Kenneth D. Quick
Arthur H. Radcliffe
James Randall
Charles L. Reiker
John B. Reuter
George S. Rexhouse
Antoinette Rinaldi
Dominic Rinaldi
Louis Rinaldi
Mary Rinaldi
Henry Rose
Franklyn E. Rozell
Richard C. Ryan
Edward R. Ryan
Edward F. Schmidt
Otto R. Schmidt
Arthur C. Schofield
Howard G. Schouten
Frederick W. Schroeder
John G. Scott
Willis H. Scott
Virginia Sherlock
Leon Singleton
Frank Slavic
Raymond A. Smith
Clifford Snell Jr.
William P. Sonberg
Jack E. Spencer
Samuel Stein
Edward S. Stone
John H. Stratton
James V. Sucato
Thomas A. Sullivan
Frederick Sweikart
Richard B. Swenson
Arthur H. Swenson Jr.
Franklin R. Swenson
Joseph Synnett
Joseph Tarkos
James M. Terwilliger
Ralph R. Terwilliger
Irving D. Thompson
Arthur Thompson Jr.
Frank Valentino
Louis Valentino
John W. VanAcooy
Henry VanAcooy
Donald VanWagner
William R. Vess
Milton Vess
Peter Walker
Harry L. Warwick Jr.
Harry Weil
George E. Welch
Robert E. Welch
John M. Welch
Burton J. Whitaker
Robert D. Whiten
Richard L. Whiten
Stephen Wicks

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial

Fairview Veterans Service Memorial 2007 - Awaiting Restoration

[Designer Mr. Gus A. Zeender – Built by Mr. Gennaro Velletri]

A Fund has been established by the Town of Poughkeepsie – March 2009 – Checks Marked “Fairview Veterans Memorial Restoration Fund” may be sent to the Town of Poughkeepsie, Town Hall, 1 Overocker Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

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