This is the Document containing information from the College request to the Public, asking for comments on their Phase 1 Project // See Proposal Below
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Most Residents know where I am on this Proposal. For the ones who do not, let me begin by saying an awful lot of mis-information was given to the NYS-DEC Commissioner Peter Grannis steering the Commissioner into a mis-guided and mis-informed direction, in my opinion. This proposed Phase 1 Project will have severe ramifications to All Residents- which include Students, let alone Fire / Ambulance / Police Agencies.
The public must attend and bring to the forefront the issues so the College can take into ” CONSIDERATION ” there concerns. Sounds alot like our County Executive Speaking doesn’t it? I am glad the College will CONSIDER the input from the Residents, where they will put them can only lead the imagination. Does the word ” CIRCULAR FILE ” mean anything? Does to me…