Multiples of endorsements have been accepted by me.  Below is one :

Subj: HVALF Endorsement

Dear Honorable Doxsey,

 We appreciate your participation in the endorsement process of the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation. After careful consideration of your positions on key labor issues that affect working families in your district, the HVALF has endorsed your candidacy. Thank you for the time you have spent to educate our members about your policy positions and vision for the future. 

We are confident that your decisions as an elected official will reflect the values of the working families throughout your district. Helping working families to achieve a better quality of life is the mission of the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation and the Central Labor Councils. We carefully follow the positions that elected officials take on key issues such as the rights of workers to organize, project labor agreements, living wages, quality education, occupational safety and health legislation and other issues that impact the lives of working men and women. 

We look forward to working with you to ensure that our government represents the interests of working families in your district. Good luck on your fall campaign. 

Elizabeth Soto (Beth) Political & Legislative Director

 Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation AFL-CIO
PO Box 10663
Newburgh, NY 12552
Ph. 845.567.7760 ext. 10
Fax 845.567.7742
Cell 845.527.5554


This simple, very simple answer to a very complicated problem:  The Defecit in New York is made simple.  Below it is being submitted again, by me in Sept. 2011, as it was revised since Feb. 2011.  It reads:

       Repeal of the 1979 Amendment to the New York State Stock  Transfer Tax of 1905

   Whereas, New York State implemented the 1905 New York State Stock Transfer Tax to provide needed revenues to New York State and

 Whereas, the intention of the 1905 Stock Transfer Tax was to give the New York State Economy and New York State Residents much needed revenue for maintenance and growth of New York State , and   

Whereas, The New York State Stock Transfer Tax is $.05 per share on each and every transfer and is paid by the investor, and

Whereas since 1979 New York State rebates the tax, not to the taxpayer, but to the Wall Street brokers and speculators, and

 Whereas, the time has come to restore necessary lost revenues to New York State as the 1905 Stock Transfer Tax was originally intended for, and

Whereas, a repeal of the 1979 Rebate of the New York State Stock Transfer Tax should be placed into immediate effect to maintain all revenues for the maintenance and growth of New York State ,and  therefore, 

      Be it Resolved, that the New York State Stock Transfer Tax Rebate be immediately Repealed and cease to exist, and therefore,

Be it finally resolved, that New York State collect and utilize all revenues from the 1905 Stock Transfer Tax for the maintenance and growth of New York State. 

  What does everyone think?


The Union Contractors were left out in the dark today. The Verizon Administrators failed to negotiate a new contract. This is as serious as it gets folks.

  The voice of the people must be heard and stop this from happening. Verizons profits carried over 19 plus Billion Dollars in the last 4 years, yet they also pay ” O ” taxes?

 Our Public Safety is also in jeophardy, Emergency Services will suffer greatly, this is not acceptable by any means.

 Dutchess County Residents deserve better than what Verizon Officials and Administrators are doing to us. Do not let the Verizon Administration cast aside our workers after using them for Profits alone?


  Last week, Dutchess County Super Majority Republican Party, 18 of them out of a total of 25 Legislators, otherwise known as the (GOP),  passes Multiples of Millions of bonds. Local Media has not even mentioned what they were for nor anything about Spending Dutchess County Taxpayers monies for them.  Why,? How is it allowed for the GOP to do this and get away with slight of hand? One would think when this type of news happens, the medias would print them. Maybe some are biased? I believe this is so, otherwise everyone would be speaking of the carelessness of Dutchess County Legislators. Fiscal responsability should be a Priority.  Hopefully when the media finally prints what is going on and who is Spending Large, Huge Millions of your Dollars, the Public would be in an outrage. Maybe that is the intention after all? Not to inform the people who is spending?

Dutchess to appropriate more money to house inmates in other counties
POUGHKEEPSIE – The Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office needs an additional $1.6 million to pay for the housing out of inmates. The county jail is old and too small to accommodate the number of prisoners held in the Poughkeepsie facility.  County lawmakers will approve $1.6 million to cover the cost, but jail Administrator George Krom couldn’t promise them that would be the last time he comes back for money before the end of the year.“Just like last year and the year before, I know you don’t want to over give me money,” he told the Public Safety Committee. “I may come back for some money, I don’t know; it depends on the population.” As of last Thursday, the housed out population was 181 inmates. The highest housed out population was 183.

The legislature is also set to appropriate $1 million for sheriff’s department overtime.

Doxsey writes: This was a Priority for the past years, yet nothing is being done to correct the problem. We are pouring Dollars after Dollars to other Counties, the time to stop was long ago. Still to this day not 1 viable plan has passed. Many have been introduced, the Super Majority GOP fails again and again. We’ll just have to wait for a new regime?  Sad, very sad indeed. Will the new Executive be an arm of the existing?

Dutchess lawmakers take first step to build medical examiner’s facilities
POUGHKEEPSIE – With the Dutchess County medical examiner having to use loaned hospital space for procedures, the county legislature took the first step toward building a full scale facility for the office.

Lawmakers in committee Thursday voted to issue $4.3 million in bonds to pay for part of the cost to buy the property and building at 170 Washington Street in Poughkeepsie and build a 5,000 square foot addition on it for the medical examiner.  The building, which the county leases at present, is used for records storage.

Democratic Minority Leader Sandra Goldberg said before the county expends that kind of money, it should look at other space options.

“Whether it is the armory, whether it’s the psychiatric center; before we purchase this and take it off the tax rolls, I think we should be looking at some other things,” Goldberg said.

Conservative Legislator James Doxsey suggested the county conduct a study into sharing services with other counties.

Republican Deputy Majority Angela Flesland said building adequate medical examiner facilities is long overdue.

“This is certainly not something that is being rushed. This is something that we needed to do a long time ago and did not,” Flesland said.

Republican legislator Dale Borchert told his colleagues that the county will soon have to pay rent on the current hospital facilities not to mention the rent it is paying for records storage in the Washington Street building.


The Super Majority Grand Old Party (GOP) Voted last Month to EXTEND a Sales Tax for 2 MORE YEARS.

 This 3/4 of  1 % Extension will hurt our Residents and I am Against this Sales Tax Extension. I was approached by Albany leadership to weigh in on the 2 Bills in front of Governor Cuomo to sign, in the next 10 days.

 Dutchess County GOP continues to add Taxes to the Residents and the Medias put on the spin. However, here is the letter I sent on 6/21/2011 asking the Governor to VETO this and give the Dutchess County Residents some Relief:

 (Names deleted for Security Purposes) :

  My thanks for the opportunity to weigh in on this Bill.

 I objected to the Resolution last month here in Dutchess County as it was supposed to Sunset in December 1, 2011.
 The time was perfect to give our residents whom we represent a break from the 3/4 of 1 percent in sales tax extension. As it was, the Super Majority Legislative body had put in a projected 2 Million dollars alone for the month of December 2011. The statement also came out on the floor a ” projected income of 24 Million dollars was speculated for 2012 “. 
 How is it that a group of Legislators who voted to curtail taxes, receive Conservative Endorsements for curtailing taxes yet get backed by the Party who opposes the very same tax relief?
 Surely the Governor can understand my dismay and hopefully he will VETO this extension so as to give the people who also put him in a position of Governor to help them get some type of relief, now.
 The time is NOW to Live Within Our Means- isn’t it? Speculations, Projections and Anticipations on false hopes of revenue, to put it in a Budget a full years ahead of something that wasn’t even voted on is purely WRONG.
 Especially a State Senator who speaks of helping the same people who put him/them into Office again?
 I can also be reached anytime on my cell @ 845-337-0026,
 Respectfully Submitted,
 Honorable Mr. James R. Doxsey
 District 1
 Dutchess County Legislator (C)
 55 Buckingham Avenue
 Poughkeepsie, New Your 12601

Below is his Vote and it surely will effect the fine Residents of Dutchess County for the next 2 years:

S4650  SALAND   Same as A 7313  Kirwan 
Tax Law
TITLE….Relates to extending the authorization for additional sales tax in Dutchess county

05/03/11 1ST REPORT CAL.502
05/04/11 2ND REPORT CAL.
06/06/11 referred to ways and means
06/15/11 substituted for a7313
06/15/11 ordered to third reading rules cal.279
06/16/11 home rule request
06/16/11 passed assembly
06/16/11 returned to senate


06/06/11 S4650 Senate Vote Aye:  61 Nay:  0



 Floor Votes:

06/06/11  S4650   Senate Vote   Aye: 61  Nay: 0

Aye Adams Aye Addabbo Aye Alesi Aye Avella
Aye Ball Aye Bonacic Aye Breslin Aye Carlucci
Aye DeFrancisco Aye Diaz Aye Dilan Aye Duane
Aye Espaillat Aye Farley Aye Flanagan Aye Fuschillo
Aye Gallivan Aye Gianaris Aye Golden Aye Griffo
Aye Grisanti Aye Hannon Aye Hassell-Thompson Aye Huntley
Aye Johnson Aye Kennedy Aye Klein Aye Krueger
Aye Kruger Aye Lanza Aye Larkin Aye LaValle
Aye Libous Aye Little Aye Marcellino Aye Martins
Aye Maziarz Aye McDonald Aye Montgomery Aye Nozzolio
Aye O’Mara Aye Oppenheimer Abs Parker Aye Peralta
Aye Perkins Aye Ranzenhofer Aye Ritchie Aye Rivera
Aye Robach Aye Saland Aye Sampson Aye Savino
Aye Serrano Aye Seward Aye Skelos Aye Smith
Aye Squadron Aye Stavisky Aye Stewart-Cousins Aye Valesky
Aye Young Aye Zeldin


Amd S1210, Tax L
Relates to extending the authorization for additional sales and compensating use tax in Dutchess county until 2013.


                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2011-2012 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 14, 2011

        Introduced  by  Sen.  SALAND -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
          ment Operations

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to sales and  compensating  use
          tax in Dutchess county

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Clause 29 of subparagraph (i) of the opening  paragraph  of
     2  section  1210  of  the tax law, as amended by chapter 178 of the laws of
     3  2009, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (29) the county of Dutchess is hereby further authorized and empowered
     5  to adopt and amend local laws, ordinances or resolutions  imposing  such
     6  taxes at a rate which is three-quarters of one percent additional to the
     7  three  percent  rate  authorized above in this paragraph for such county
     8  for the period beginning March first, two  thousand  three,  and  ending
     9  November thirtieth, two thousand [eleven] thirteen,
    10    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1


SPONSOR: SALAND              
An act to amend the tax law, in relation to sales and compensating use
tax in Dutchess county

This bill would allow Dutchess County to adopt a local law to continue
to add an additional one percent of their sales tax to meet operating
costs of the county government.

Section one amends Section 1210 of the Tax Law to authorize Dutchess
County to continue to add an additional three-fourths of one percent
sales tax to the present three percent rate until November 30, 2013.

Current law allows Dutchess County to add an additional three-fourths of
one percent to their sales tax until November 30, 2011.

Dutchess County has requested authorization to continue their sales tax
collection at three and three-fourths percent. This legislation author-
izes Dutchess County to enact a county law to continue this increase
which the County has deemed essential to meet a balanced budget for
governmental services.

Chapter 178, Laws of 2009
Chapter 528, Laws of 2007

Additional revenue for Dutchess County is anticipated if the County
adopts a local law.



 Please support any Bill or Legislation to NOT allow Fracking in New York State. Our water is the last commodity we have. Even many places we currently have now, those places are in danger of other contaminations, let alone the 40 plus chemicals being used now in this process of Fracking.
 We can’t allow such a viable source such as our water at ANY cost be Potentially Contaminated. There should be no excuses nor monetary gains from ANY Company or Affiliate who could cause Public Safety Harm to a multitude of people.
 As some suggest a mere few Millions of Gallons could be Potentially Effected, NO water should be subjected to this, our life blood.  
 Respectfully Submitted,
 Honorable Mr. James R. Doxsey
 District 1
 Dutchess County Legislator
 55 Buckingham Avenue
 Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
 cell 845-337-0026 
 Marcus Responds: 


Thank you for your recent Internet message. I appreciate and encourage
your initiative and participation in the legislative process.

However, due to the volume of Internet e-mail my office receives, I am
not always able to provide immediate individual responses. This reply is a
courtesy so you know that your mail was delivered to the intended address.

To enable my office to better respond to your concerns, ideas and
suggestions, or to provide issue-related or regional information that
may be of interest to you, please be sure to include your name, postal
mailing address, email address and telephone number in your message. If
you have already done so, thank you.

You may also contact my Capitol or district office by mail or telephone

   Red Hook District Office          Albany Office
   7578 North Broadway               LOB 532
   Red Hook, NY 12571                Albany, NY  12248
   (845)758-9790                     (518) 455-5177

You may also be interested in exploring the free legislative information
provided by the New York State Assembly on the World Wide Web.

The URL is:

Again, thank you for your message.


Marcus J. Molinaro
Assistant Minority Leader Pro Tempore
103rd District


Poughkeepsie Journal Article May 24, 2011 Letter to the Editor: 

Recently I submitted a resolution in February 2011 to the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) in the Intergovernmental Relations and General Government Committee, a Committee on which I sit.

It is a resolution “Repealing the Amendment”  to the Stock Transfer Tax former New York State Gov. Hugh Carey had initiated in 1979.

The  Amendment Gov. Carey put into place gives the $ .05 cent tax on Socks transfered on Wall Street, even online Transactions in New York Stock Exchange,  back to the stockbrokers and speculators instead of back to New York State ? Why?

This simple Repeal allows the ” Original Stock Transfer Tax ” funding to go back to the State of New York.   ” A VERY Simple Solution indeed “!

The law was signed into law by former New York State Gov. Frank W. Higgins in 1905. This law assisted the country and helped fund World War I, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars.

 Doxsey writes, ” Today, New York State is in a dire need to get out from a $12 BILLION Dollar Debt. The Stock Transfer Tax amounted to $16.5 BILLION Dollars in 2009. This would surely help New York State get out of debt in a years time “.

With the endorsement of the NYSAC sub-committee and its members, which consist of many counties’ legislators, supervisors and mayors, immediate implementation is my goal. We will submit a final draft at the NYSAC conference in Lake Placid this fall. Although I am eager to have it sooner, government moves slower than I wish.

 ” The governor has requested answers, not suggestions in very difficult times. This very simple repeal does just that “.

Honorable Mr. James R. Doxsey

Dutchess County Legislator, District 1

55 Buckingham Avenue

Poughkeepsie, New York 12601